Frequently Asked Questions

BIOTROP has a sales team and accredited distributors all over Brazil. Contact us by clicking on the link.

Nossos produtos dispensam a necessidade de transporte refrigerado, bem como o empacotamento em caixas de isopor, além de não requerer armazenamento em ambientes climatizados nos clientes. Dessa forma, garantimos a concentração de células viáveis estampada nas embalagens, durante o prazo de validade, para armazenamento em ambiente protegido da incidência direta do sol, com temperaturas de até 30 °C. Alcançamos esse nível de segurança em nossos produtos por duas principais características:

  • Formulação composta por polímeros biológicos (Exopolissacarídeos) que protegem as células em diferentes condições de estresse;
  • Concentração celular significativamente maior que a garantia de registro do produto.

Temos trabalhos para caracterizar nossos inoculantes quanto à manutenção da viabilidade celular durante o armazenamento em sala com temperatura de 30 °C. Como podemos constatar na figura abaixo, mesmo após 1 armazenado à 30°C temos a concentração de 7,5E+09.

Estabilidade do inoculante Bradyrhizobium japonicum com 12 meses de armazenamento a 30º C.

Biological control consists in adopting sustainable practices through beneficial organisms in agricultural production systems.

Beneficial organisms may contribute to biological nitrogen fixation, plant growth promotion, abiotic stress reduction, and pest and disease control.

Whenever there is an imbalance, pathogenic organisms proliferate and cause damages to crops. Biological control can reverse such a scenario, reducing losses in productivity, since the reintroduction of beneficial organisms causes the soil microbiota and plants to rebalance.

The adoption of biological control allows beneficial microorganisms to dominate rhizosphere. While competing for food and space, they produce substances (e.g. enzymes) that promote root growth and consequently increases productivity.

BIOTROP has a portfolio of biological control products that can be found at the following link:

The use of biologicals promotes plant growth due to a number of factor as follows:

  • nitrogen fixation;
  • nutrient mobilization;
  • production or stimulation of phytohormone production;
  • phytopathogen suppression;
  • induction of plant resistance to pathogens;

The most important results consist in increased crop productivity and adoption of a sustainable agricultural productive system.

Biologial Control should be adopted throughout the year. Each microorganism has peculiar characteristics and they can be used at specific stages of the crop cycle, that is, on-seed treatment; foliar, broadcast, and in-furrow application; before sowing or after harvesting; and even on cover crops.

The use of Biological Control at different times and for consecutive years restores the biological balance of soil and results in progressive improvement of soil quality parameters and crop productivity.

Yes. There are a number of scientific studies carried out at notable research institutes in Brazil and in other countries where biological control is efficient regarding soil-borne diseases, nematode control, nutrient uptake and utilization, and plant growth promotion.

Check reports on this topic below:

Agrolink: Bacteria may increase sugarcane productivity

Portal do Agronegócio: Bacteria that reduce production cost of beans as an ecological alternative

Globo Rural: New technology helps farmers regarding fertilizing crops


BIOTROP has carried out field experiments in different places, showing increases in productivity when its products are used.

Some soybean samples from 2019:

Biological Control can be used on different crops, and growth promoters have specific doses and application patterns for each one of them (see manufacturer’s recommendation), whereas biofungicides, bioinsecticides or bionematocides are broad-spectrum products recommended to any target crops (with diseases and pests).

Biological products for pest and disease control during the registration process are evaluated and approved by MAPA, ANVISA and IBAMA. Most biological products available on the market do not have a grace period.

It is always recommended to consult an agricultural engineer/agronomist for recommendations that suit each market.

Contact our team by clicking here.

Direct effects on soil features range from:

  • balance of soil microorganisms;
  • biological nitrogen fixation;
  • nutrient mobilization;
  • competition and supression of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • in addition to aggregation of soil particles, improving its physical properties.

Yes, biological products can and must be used in organic farming. Many of the products available on the market are certified via organic farming. Additionaly, a number of products are certified for organic farming, e.g., IBD certified products.

Most biological products are incompatible with the most widely used agrochemicals. Nevertheless, there are products whose formulation technology increases the compatibility of microorganisms with chemical products.

Some of BIOTROP’s inoculants (e.g. BIOTRIO) have this technology.

Biological products used as inoculants are regulated according to the fertilizer legistation, and products can be registered as either nitrogen fixators or growth promoters.

Biological products intended for disease and pest control are regulated according to the agrochemical legislation and their certification is evaluated by MAPAIBAMA and ANVISA

Quality control is the most important step regarding the production process of biological products. Quality control is carried out from the beginning of the fermentation process to the performance of the product in the field.

n each step of the production process, samples are colected and their concentration, viability and presence of contaminants are evaluated. In case any contaminants are identified (undesirable microorganism), all material is disposed of.

Regarding formulated products, analyses are routinely carried out for each lot. Counterproofs are stored, reports are issued by our laboratory, and our sales team follows all steps closely in order to ensure the quality of the products in the field.

Attention: Welcome to BIOTROP. The content of this website is intended for farmers and other professionals from the agricultural sector.