News on the nematicides market: get to know Furatrop
The occurrence of nematodes is synonymous with productivity losses.
According to the University of São Paulo, it is estimated that 10.6% of soybean harvest losses are caused by nematodes.
Aiming to be part of integrated management practices, the biopesticide Furatrop has been launched, and it is registered for many crops.
If you would like to learn more about the importance of launching this product and its role in the Brazilian market, check it out!
Nematode management
The occurrence of nematodes has become a common problem that reflects in lower productivity, and consequently, lower profitability.
According to the Brazilian Nematological Society, nematodes cause around R$35 billion of crop loss for the country’s agricultural sector each year.
Therefore, efficient management practices are crucial for a successful crop production.
There are several pest management methods: chemical, cultural and biological. However, in order to avoid future problems such as Meloidogyne javanica resistance, practicing integrated management is important.
With that in mind, Furatrop is a tool when it comes to managing root-knot nematodes.
How does the nematicide Furatrop work?
It has recently been registered with MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply).
Furatrop has an exclusive and new formulation that combines the Japanese technology, Hayai, with a highly efficient strain (2657) of Bacillus subtilis.
The Hayai technology comes from an ancient Japanese practice of solid fermentation, which provides rapid action on the target due to the high load of metabolites and organic compounds in its composition.
Therefore, this biopesticide has an important differentiating factor in terms of its speed of action in the soil, acting rapidly and ensuring superior results in the control of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica).
In addition, it contributes to the growth and development of several crops, allowing them to express their maximum genetic potential.
Furatrop can be used in all crops with biological targets.
It is an excellent alternative to maximize your productivity, minimize costs with nematicides, and avoid possible cases of resistance.
Although it is a biological product, be careful while handling Furatrop.
This product should be one more tool in integrated management practices, and you should always follow the recommendations on its label.
Furatrop’s mode of action
Furatrop acts in three different ways regarding nematode physiology.
1st Mode of action: Antibiosis
Furatrop acts directly on nematodes. In practice, for example, Bacillus subtilis produces compounds that can degrade the cell walls of worms.
2nd Mode of action: Competition
It forms a protective biofilm around the plant roots, which disorients nematodes and works as a physical barrier that prevents them from reaching the roots.
3rd Mode of action: Defense
Bacillus subtilis also acts on plants, contributing to their ability to respond to stresses.
Another differentiating factor of the product consists in its effect on the rhizosphere, expanding the volume of soil that plants can reach, enhancing their anchoring in the soil as well as water and nutrient absorption, thus making up for any damages caused by phytopathogens.
In practice, the growth-promoting effect is visible.
We can observe differences in the development of roots and protection of plants as soon as they emerge.

(Fonte: acervo Biotrop)

Aboveground structures of beans treated with Furatrop in a highly infested area by M. javanica.
(Source: BIOTROP’s collection)
In addition, the product acts directly on the emergence of seedlings, leading to proper stand establishment and protection to stresses, such as water stress.
Thus, it ensures greater crop production stability.
Product efficiency
The use of bionematicides can be an excellent alternative regarding managing root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica)
Studies carried out at University of Western São Paulo showed the efficiency of applying a formulation based on Bacillus subtilis to control root-knot nematodes in tomatoes, indicating that the application of the product reduced the reproduction of Meloidogyne javanica and eggs masses in the roots.
Similar results were shown for soybeans in Jataí (GO), where the application of Furatrop led to an efficient control of nematodes, around 53% higher compared with our competitor.
In addition, the application of Furatrop led to an increase of 5% in productivity, that is, 4 additional ‘sacas’ per hectare. (1saca = 60kg)
In other regions of the country, productivity increases were even higher, resulting in great returns to growers.

(Source: Biotrop’s collection)
Furatrop application
In order to achieve its maximum efficiency, some factors are crucial, such as application timing.
The application should be preferably performed in furrow, in a single application.
Therefore, you should use a knapsack sprayer or a spray bar.
Do not forget to adjust your sprayer and make sure to maintain constant pressure when applying the product
In addition, it is crucial that you use a volume of solution that enables good coverage of the product.
For higher product efficiency, follow the recommendations on its label.
Keep in mind that it is crucial that you consult an agricultural engineer/agronomist so you can plan the management and position products successfully, according to your needs.
Biopesticide benefits
By using Furatrop, in addition to purchasing a highly efficient product, you will also invest in safety on your farm.
It ensures more safety to applicators because it has very low toxicity.
It is also classified as slightly hazardous to the environment.
In addition, Furatrop:
- Can be associated with chemical products;
- Has highly efficient active ingredient;
- Has a stable formulation;
- Increases productivity and profitability;
- Controls Meloidogyne javanica efficiently;
- Ensures better growth and development of crops (high concentration of metabolites in its formulation);
- Can be stored for long periods (shelf life of two years without refrigeration);
- Contains 100% endospores in its formulation, is highly stable, and ensures microbial viability.
We have learned that nematodes are economically important in Brazil since they cause billions in crop losses in the country each year.
Therefore, it is important to highlight the use of new management strategies, with high technologies
Furatrop, which has recently been registered, can be a great alternative regarding nematode management.
In this article, we have learned the most important differentiating factors of this product and its mode of action.
We hope that this information helps you control root-knot nematodes effectively on your farm!
Do you have problems with nematodes in your crops? What management methods do you practice? Did you know the nematicide Furatrop? We would like to see your comment below!
Article updated by: Rayssa Fernanda dos Santos
Agricultural Engineer from Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), M.Sc. in phytotechnics from ESALQ/USP. Marketing expert from the same institution. Currently, Ph.D. student in agronomy with emphasis on plant production at State University of Maringá (UEM).